What You Get

Locating/Placement of Tenants
Rental list available to walk-in or call-in prospects
Advertise in our local MLS system
Advertise on Zillow, Trulia and other sites
Notify local real estate offices of available rentals
Take all interested prospects to properties
Applicant Screening
Do criminal back ground check
Verify rental pay record with previous landlord
Check condition of prospect’s current residence
See if prospective tenant has ever been evicted
Check credit history
Monetary Responsibilities
Collect all rent when due
Pay for repairs out of monthly rents
Disburse remaining funds to owner
Send monthly itemized statements of income and expenses
Property Maintenance
Inspect interior of property twice a year
Inspect exterior of property on a regular basis
Make all necessary repairs to maintain property value
Make sure local ordinances are being obeyed
Make sure association guidelines are being followed
Notify owner of normal maintenance items
Make recommendations to owner for improvements or upgrades to maximize cash-flow